Best Digital Insurance Marketing-How to Avoid Losing Your Shirt! (Part One.)

Best digital insurance marketing systemDigital Insurance Marketing, the Truth and Nothing but the Truth!

As an active member of LinkedIn several months ago a number of insurance agents contacted me by post asking me to spill the beans on the secret of my success in Digital Insurance Marketing. 

My personal website, Pathway Insurance generates a fairly large number of high-quality insurance leads on a regular basis.  The closing ratio on certain types of insurance leads that we generate by means of my website is 80% or more.

Yet I’ve spoken with some agents that have invested as much as $50,000 on a Digital insurance marketing platform and have absolutely lost their shirts financially!

What Is the First Secret to Success in Digital Insurance Marketing?

The first secret is not to get taken to the cleaner by an insurance marketing company selling overpriced digital insurance marketing systems with long-term contracts!

Why is a long-term contract for website promotion not a good idea for your agency? 

It’s pretty simple. If you sign a long-term contract with an insurance marketing company and you are unhappy with their performance there isn’t much you can do about it! 

Unless they offer you some type of performance guarantee you are pretty much locked into that contract until the end of the term, pure and simple. Some agents that have broken contracts with insurance marketing companies were then sued for breach of contract by the insurance marketing company!

If a marketing company wants you to sign a long-term contract for a digital insurance website system, without any type of guarantee of performance on their end, why would you commit yourself to a large financial investment without any type of performance guarantee?

It Would Be like Purchasing a Brand-New $50,000 Automobile That Had Absolutely No Warranty.

Would you buy such an expensive vehicle without a warranty?   Probably not.

Yet insurance agents are taking that very step when it comes to purchasing extremely expensive digital insurance marketing systems!

In our next article I’ll share an experience of one such agent that invested more than $50,000 over a four-year period time.  You will not believe his rate of return. (It was horrific)

Would You like a Powerful Agency Marketing System without Long-Term Contracts but Loaded up with Performance Guarantees?

Contact Jack Thomas at the insurance offices of pathway insurance at 513-662-7000.  We build the most powerful insurance website systems on the market today, and we back up that powerful system with ranking guarantees. 

No other insurance marketing company as of October 2012 offers a ranking guarantee for your online presence!


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