Best Websites For Insurance Agencies
The future of insurance marketing is not in yellow page advertising, cold calling, or purchasing shared Internet leads.
The future of insurance marketing is when prospects find you first on your personal insurance agent website.
As an insurance agent I probably do not have to convince you that the Internet is changing the way in which consumers purchase insurance. It has been reported that more than 70% of individuals taking time to comparison shop insurance, start that process right on the Internet.
Prospects Are Shopping For Insurance On The Internet!
The best, most profitable personal lines and commercial lines prospects are using the Internet when they shop for insurance. If your insurance agency web site isn’t on page one of the search engines, you are losing out on tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of new premium dollars each and every year!
That’s why you need an effective, but affordable insurance agency website. But you need more than an insurance website template. Insurance web templates are really no different than posting your business card in a local coffee shop hoping someone will call. Insurance website templates are lost among the hundreds of other insurance website templates in the Internet abyss.
But then there’s the other side of the spectrum of marketing companies selling digital insurance marketing systems that cost $10,000 -$60,000 or more per year to maintain, yet you don’t even own the website!
We Offer An Alternative To Expensive Digital Insurance Websites
Digital insurance websites can be extremely expensive and we offer a lower cost alternative with guarantees that other companies will not offer. We offer insurance keyword guarantees.
What is an insurance keyword guarantee?
It is a guarantee that we will obtain a certain number of page 1 rankings for your website on page one of Google. In other words if someone were typing into the search engine’s, independent insurance agency San Francisco California, we guarantee that we will rank your website to show up on page 1 of Google for that exact insurance keyword !
Why Are We the Only Insurance Marketing Company Offering Such a Guaranty?
We have developed a unique insurance keyword ranking strategy that no other insurance web design company, or insurance marketing company offers, and we offer guarantees to match. To obtain the insurance keyword ranking guarantee you must commit to a minimum of $1000 per month investment. Smaller packages are available to fit budgets of smaller agencies.
Call and speak to Jack Thomas at 513-662-7000 for more details. This is Jack’s insurance office, he owns an independent insurance agency in Cincinnati Ohio.